XLRI Jamshedpur

Pursuit of academic excellence and fostering whole-person integral growth of students has been the hallmark of XLRI for over six decades.

XLRI was founded in 1949 by a few visionary Jesuit Fathers to bring a change in the society. The institute always strives to be a management school with a difference. Over many years XLRI has developed its own identity. The hallmark of this identity is, not to walk on the beaten path but to strike new routes; not to benchmark but to be benchmarked, to be second to none but to be the first to respond to the needs of the people and the nation, by taking up the tasks which are bold but necessary which nobody has hitherto taken up. This enterprising and pioneering spirit can be witnessed throughout the history of XLRI.

The Virtual Interactive Learning (VIL) arm of XLRI offers a portfolio of 12 months and short term consolidated programs in different functional areas of Management. Professionals / Executives may complete their management education whilst still being in service or while being involved with their own business. The XLRI faculty using interactive, cutting-edge and world-class e-learning digital platform provided by the various technical partners will deliver the Programmes over a live two-way, audio-video platform. XLRI has certified more than 6265 participants over the last 12 years through the VIL platform giving the faculty the expertise to deliver online programs.

The curriculum at XLRI has constantly evolved in line with industry needs in particular and the economy at large, whilst striving to shape management education by giving due importance in curricula to ethical and socially responsible aspects of management. Students are encouraged to apply theoretical learning viz; case studies, research methodologies, etc., to solve real-life management challenges facing private, public and non-profit sectors of the economy.

XLRI Jamshedpur Courses :