Senior Management and Leadership

Senior Management and Senior Leadership courses from IIM and Best Business Schools

Managers manage and leaders lead. The transition from a manager to a leader requires a strategic shift in perspective, mind-set, and focus. The need to envision the bigger picture and broaden horizons is as essential for aspiring leaders as it is for people in leadership roles who yearn for greater success. A strategic perspective will enable leaders to analyse market dynamics, anticipate trends, think long term and prepare for sustainable growth.

A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the organisation, not as it is, but as it should be.” – Jack Welch 

The transition from managers to senior management necessitates a paradigm shift in approach, outlook and perspective. Years of managing can sometimes become routine with short term goals, thus making it easy to miss the forest for the trees. To be a part of senior management, managers need to inculcate leadership qualities like envisioning the future, taking a macro view of the business landscape, and developing a strategic mindset.

The best Senior Management and Leadership courses designed specifically for working professionals from IIM and top business schools can be explored and joined in this section

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